“We loved you before we even knew you, even when there was just a hope for you, we loved you.”

Our Story.

Life is full of hope, and unfortunately also tragedy. Sara and John Bradshaw have felt both in immeasurable quantities. Following many years of infertility, four miscarriages and ultimately a stillborn son named Fox Joaquin, the couple made the best decision of their lives when they chose to pursue adoption.

On January 14, 2017, a baby boy was born in Midland to a young birthmother from Mexico who made the selfless decision to give her baby a future she could not provide at that moment. John and Sara met their son on his second day and fell in love instantly. Julian Boone, who was always called Boone, was the most perfect baby ever formed.

Boone was a wonderful baby who grew into a unique boy. He was smart and funny, caring and kind, talkative and creative. He was mature beyond his years. Many of the children in his kindergarten class later said Boone was their best friend. He never met a person he did not like, and in return he was unanimously loved.

On January 9, 2023, Boone and his dad were preparing to saddle their horses to gather some cattle. Always up for an adventure, Boone had been adamant that he stay with his dad rather than go see his grandparents. He was so excited to help. Boone was struck by the pickup as John backed into the barn. Despite his dad’s best efforts, he was never revived.

Julian Boone Bradshaw was buried on January 14, 2023, which was his sixth birthday.

Learn a little more about us and why we do what we do…